What do these messages mean?
If your agency has NFIRS reporting enabled, each of your members now has the ability to utilize NFIRS. Each member with NFIRS access needs to have a Personnel Id listed.
- The number is self-generated (not tied to FEMA/NFIRS).
- Many agencies will use their members badge numbers or just use a favorite number.
- The Personnel Id has to be unique to each member.
- Two members can't have the same Personnel Id.
What can you do?
To clear the "Personnel Id required" message and continue updating the member profile, there are two options:
- If the member shouldn't have/doesn't need NFIRS access, set their NFIRS access status to NONE.
- If the member should have NFIRS access, input a Personnel Id, and select the appropriate status.
Do you have a fun tip, or a suggestion of something to add to this article?
Email us at: Support@EmergencySMC.com, Subject Line: Attention to Steve, ZD-Article