What is it:
Communicate with members and mutual aid agencies in-app using Chat.
Send one-time announcements or chat real-time.
Where to find it:
-IaR App - Left Side Menu - Chats
Helpful links:
Related Guide - IaR App Help
Generate a Chat from the IaR App
-IaR App - Left Side Menu - Chats
-Step 1: Touch the PLUS/Profile icon in the upper Right
-Step 2: Select your recipients
(If Set up on within your agency's Mutual Aid Settings, you can use the dropdown at the top to select recipients from mutual aid agencies.)
-Step 3: Select the Chat you created from the list
-Step 4: Compose your message at the bottom of the screen.
-Step 5: SEND with the Arrow Icon in the lower RIGHT.
Name your Chat
-Try to avoid using the exact same name as other Chat threads. Use some variation such as the season/year/date.
- Rather than recycling the name All Members, make a new All Members Chat and use names like Members Dec 23, or Members 12/23, Members Winter 23...then Members 1/24, Members 2/24, etc...
I suggest starting a new chat each month (30-days). (Members Sept2024, Members Oct2024, Members Nov 2024)
-Anyone who chose to leave the chat will be re-included.
-Any new devices will be re-sync'd with the new chat.
-Since chat data isn't stored anyhow, it makes sense to abandon the older conversation and start a new one.
- I like to think of it as changing the oil in your car. After a period of time the overall integrity of the chat begins to deteriorate (due to internal factors [30-day storage] and external factors [new devices]
- Changing the chat (oil) brings new life to the conversation and 'corrects' any deterioration of past chat conversations.
Chats not functioning for a member
-Is the Device's OS as up-to-date as it can be?
-Is the IaR App as up-to-date as it can be?
-Look at the member's Activated Mobile Devices on their IamResponding Website Profile.
Are there old/duplicate devices registered? See the IaR App Help guide.
Frozen Chat
-A Chat becomes frozen when,
- members of the Chat leave the thread
- the Chat Admin. chooses to End the Chat
- The thread goes unused for more than 30 days
Why? Freezing a chat is done to let others know that your intended recipients may no longer be there (members leaving), and also to let you know that it may be advantageous to generate a NEW thread.
Fun Tip:
-Utilize Chats for non-emergent communication about anything.
Do you have a fun tip, or a suggestion of something to add to this article?
Email us at: Support@EmergencySMC.com, Subject Line: Attention to Steve, ZD-Article