What is it:
Input emergency contact information with custom fields (blood type, preferred hospital) so they’re easily accessible when they’re needed.
Emergency Contacts is a part of each member profile where the contact information can be stored for quick reference in the event of an emergency.
-Administrators can create Emergency Contact-Custom Fields to cover topics/ideas that we did not already provide a place for. (See IaR Website / System Settings article)
-Members with Permission to View Emergency Contacts can reference the information from the IaR Website or App.
-From the IaR Website or App, members with Permission to View can quickly and easily send an Internal Message to the Emergency Contact(s) Text & Email Address(s) listed for a specific member, or to all Emergency Contacts for the entire agency.
Where to find it:
To input Emergency Contact information, see the How-to: section below.
As a member with the required Permission to View Emergency Contact information, you can view your members Emergency Contact data by going to the
-IaR Website - Administrative Functions - Manage Members - View Emergency Contacts
-IaR App - Left Side Menu - Emergency Contacts
Helpful links:
Related Video - Emergency Contacts
Input Emergency Contact data from the IaR Website.
-Go to your (or a member’s) profile
-Populate the fields for section EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION
Input Emergency Contact data from the IaR App.
-Go to your own personal IaR App Settings - User Profile - Emergency Contact Info.
-Populate the fields for section EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION
-Be sure to click SAVE after you have Edited the section, and then DONE to exit the Agency Settings.
Seeing others Emergency Contacts and sending them an Internal Message.
-On both the IaR Website and App, members with the required Permission to View Emergency Contact information, go to the designated Emergency Contacts section of the Website/App described in the above Where to find it: section.
-Select a primary member that you wish to send a message to their Emergency Contacts.
-You can now see that member's Emergency Contacts.
-Scroll down to see where you can compose an Internal Message. You will see there is an option to also send that same message to ALL Emergency Contacts of ALL members.
Identifying Text Address for your Emergency Contact
-You need to know their Cellular Carrier. Click on the ? to the right of the Text Message Address field.
Fun Tip:
-Create Emergency Contact-Custom Fields. See the IaR Website / System Settings article.
Do you have a fun tip, or a suggestion of something to add to this article?
Email us at: Support@EmergencySMC.com, Subject Line: Attention to Steve, ZD-Article