What is it:
See the response status, live location and availability of team members and apparatus.
-Both Member login credentials and Apparatus login credentials can be used on Android/Apple mobile devices (phones/tablets). The location of these devices can be displayed on all IaR Maps showing real-time location.
Where to find it:
Apparatus Tracking (AVL) is configured through the apparatus profile on the IamResponding Website.
-IaR Website - Administrative Functions - Manage Apparatus - Add/Edit/Delete Apparatus
All IamResponding Maps (IaR App, IamResponding Website, IamResponding Dispatch Portal) have the ability to show NO Apparatus, OUR Apparatus, or ALL Apparatus.
This setting is controlled by going to the Map Settings, and Filters.
Helpful links:
Related Video - AVL & Member Tracking
Add New Apparatus for tracking purposes
-IaR Website - Administrative Functions - Manage Apparatus - Add/Edit/Delete Apparatus
Complete the fields of the apparatus profile.
These are the fields that relate to tracking
-Vehicle's icon on the Map
These options determine that the actual marker on the map will look like.
-Control when tracking Starts/Stops
Checked boxes, that mean that the option will START or continue the tracking.
Unchecked boxes, mean that the option will STOP or continue NOT-tracking.
-24/7 Tracking?
You can use this option to determine if the tracking is automatically stopped 24-hrs after it is started.
-The concept of this option is, you can choose that your device isn't tracked too long (using Cell Data), because someone forget to stop the tracking manually. Setting this option to YES will automatically Stop the tracking when your members forget to stop it manually.
-Many agencies will have this option set to NO. The apparatus can track 24/7, for days, weeks and even months.
(see the Troubleshooting steps below)
When tracking stops:
-You may see the IaR Apparatus Icon FREEZE on the map despite the mobile devices' location being elsewhere.
-You may not see the IaR Apparatus Icon ANYWHERE on the map. It's Gone
How to FIX tracking:
Regardless of how/when/why...when tracking stops follow these steps.
-In the IaR Apparatus App
- select and Send an option that STOPS tracking (refer to the above section Control when tracking Starts/Stops)
- immediately select and Send an option that STARTS tracking (refer to the above section Control when tracking Starts/Stops)
Overcoming common issues that STOP tracking
-App must be kept running for tracking to work.
- The App can be minimized, but not closed.
If there are Data Saver or Battery Saver programs on the device, they need to be disabled.
- (They will interfere with the performance/tracking of the IaR App when it sits idle or minimized)
- If the device is sharing its location with other apps at the same time, at some point the device will likely stop sharing with some of those apps, including the IaR App.
If one of your members accidentally closes and reopens the IaR App, tracking as already been stopped. This action has likely frozen the Apparatus Icon on the IaR Maps.
- You'd never know this happened because the App is open when you see it. You'd have no way knowing if someone had closed and then reopened the IaR App, hours or even days earlier.
-iOS DEVICES - we recommend that each iOS device has its own iCloud Account (Apple ID).
- We have been told by IaR users that according to Apple’s device tracking ‘rules’, when multiple devices are using the same Apple ID, ONE is primary. This makes simultaneous tracking of multiple devices utilizing the same Apple ID difficult. (We have not been able to fully verify this claim)
- HOWEVER...If you have multiple iOS device with the same iCloud Account AND you are having trouble keeping them on the IaR Maps 24/7, consider providing each iOS device with it's own iCloud Account (Apple ID). Some believe that this will solve your issue.
-Device (phone/tablet) needs to have built-in GPS (preferably also with its own data plan)
If the device does not have its own data plan (WiFi Only), both the device and the MiFi device it is connected to NEED to have GPS capability, and those two need to be synced.
- I have no instructions on MiFi/Device synching, or how to make this work.
- A phone/tablet with its own data plan is 100% most advised!
Fun Tip:
-You can track your device 24/7 just by making sure that your device has battery and data. Ensure that your Stop Tracking after 24/hours option is set to No.
Do you have a fun tip, or a suggestion of something to add to this article?
Email us at: Support@EmergencySMC.com, Subject Line: Attention to Steve, ZD-Article