Manual Dispatching within IaR
The manual incident dispatching tool provides users the ability to create and update incidents directly within IamResponding via the web dashboard, mobile apps, and ECC portal.
Web Dashboard
Create and update incidents directly from the IaR website dashboard.
Quick and easy navigation and operation.
Mobile Apps
Create and update incidents from any location through the IaR mobile app.
Easy access and management from the field.
ECC Portal
Create and update incidents from the IaR ECC portal to supplement CAD dispatching.
Redundant means of dispatching field responders. (separate article-coming soon)
Benefits & Use Cases
Efficiency and Speed |
Communication and Coordination |
Adaptability to Various Situations |
Support for Non-Emergency Situations |
CAD Redundancy |
Specialty Teams |
Large Scale Emergencies |
Create & Update Incidents - Website Dashboard
Create Incident
Within the IamResponding website dashboard, users can quickly and easily navigate to the incident creation page.
To open the incident creation tool:
- Open the menu from the top left of the website dashboard page.
- Select “Create Incident”.
Within the incident creation tool, users will need to select the recipient(s) they’d like to send an incident to. Multiple recipients may be selected.
Recipients will correspond with the dispatch notification groups that users subscribe to within their member profiles.
Data Fields
Users will be able to enter data for the following fields:
- Incident Type*
- Free text, or select from a prefilled drop-down list.
- Incident Subtype
- Priority
- Comments
- Latitude & Longitude*
- Incident Location
- Location or Business Name
- Cross Streets
*Indicates required fields.
Incident Location
Users can identify the incident location using one of the methods below:
- Search for an address using the map search bar.
- Automatically updates the lat/long & “Incident Location” fields.
- Drag and drop the incident marker pin to the correct incident location on the map.
- Automatically updates the lat/long & “Incident Location” fields.
- Enter latitude and longitude coordinates.
- Automatically updates the incident marker pin.
The “Incident Location” field is the address that will be displayed for field responders within IaR. When adjusted, the mapped address will remain the same.
Create Incident
Upon entering the required fields, users will need to select “Create Incident”.
IaR will then instantly push the incident to field responders.*
Field Responders will see manual incidents displayed in a structured format, with each field being identified and separated.
*Responders will not receive a notification unless they have subscribed to the incident notification group within their member profile which corresponds with the recipient group selected within the incident.
Update Incident
Within the IamResponding website dashboard, users can quickly and easily navigate to update an incident.
To select an incident to update:
- Open the menu from the top left of the website dashboard page.
- Select “Update Incident”.
- Search for an incident to update.
- Select “Update Incident”.
Within the “Update Incident” window, users will see all current incident information. Within this window, users can:
- Add recipient groups to send the incident to
- Update any existing fields
- Update the incident location
- Add new comments
- Update the incident status
- “Open” or “Closed”
Once changes have been completed and saved, they will be reflected in real time within IaR and visible to field responders.
Create & Update Incidents - Mobile Apps
Create Incident
Within the IamResponding mobile apps, users can quickly and easily navigate to the incident creation page.
To open the incident creation tool:
- Open the menu at the top left of the screen.
- Select “Create Incident”.
- Select the icon at the bottom right of the Update Incident page
Within the incident creation tool, users will need to select the recipients they’d like to send an incident to. Multiple recipients may be selected.
Recipients will correspond with the dispatch notification groups that users subscribe to within their member profiles.
Data Fields
Users will be able to enter data for the following fields:
- Incident Type*
- Free text, or select from a prefilled drop-down list.
- Incident Subtype
- Priority
- Comments
- Latitude & Longitude*
- Incident Location
- Location or Business Name
- Cross Streets
*Indicates required fields.
Incident Location
Users can identify the incident location using one of the methods below:
- Search for an address using the map search bar.
- Automatically updates the lat/long & “Incident Location” fields.
- Enter latitude and longitude coordinates.
- Automatically updates the incident marker pin.
- Drag and drop the incident marker pin to the correct incident location on the map.
- Users must enter an address or lat/long prior to adjusting the pin.
- Click on the map to expand.
- Automatically updates the lat/long & “Incident Location” fields.
The “Incident Location” field is the address that will be displayed for field responders within IaR. When adjusted, the mapped address will remain the same.
Create Incident
Upon entering the required fields, users will need to select “Create Incident” at the bottom of the page.
IaR will then instantly push the incident to field responders.*
Field Responders will see manual incidents displayed in a structured format, with each field being identified and separated.
*Responders will not receive a notification unless they have subscribed to the incident notification group within their member profile which corresponds with the recipient group selected within the incident.
Update Incident
Within the IamResponding mobile apps, users can quickly and easily navigate to update an incident.
To select an incident to update:
- Open the menu at the top left of the screen.
- Select “Update Incident”.
- Select an incident to update.
Upon creating an incident, users will be brought to the “Update Incident” page, where they can select an incident to update.
Within the “Update Incident” page, users will see all current incident information. Within this window, users can:
- Add recipients to send the incident to
- Corresponds with the dispatch notification groups that users subscribe to within their member profiles.
- Update any existing fields
- Update the incident location
- Add new comments
- Update the incident status
- “Open” or “Closed”
Once the user selects “Update Incident” at the bottom of the page, any changes will be reflected in real time within IaR and visible to field responders.
How do I enable this for my agency?
If you would like to enable manual dispatching within your agency, please contact us at
Who will be able to create and update incidents?
Users will need to have the permission, “Permitted to send internal text/email/push notification messages”, enabled within their member profiles prior to being able to create or update incidents.
If your ECC is utilizing an IamResponding Dispatcher Portal, they will also be able to create and update incidents for your agency.
Will I be able to see who sent an incident?
Yes, users can view who created and sent an incident by viewing the “Dispatch Messages” report within the administrative functions page on the website.
At the very end of the message users will see a field for “CreatedAt”, and “CreatedBy”.
Will I be able to see who made updates to an incident?
Currently there is no functionality to view users who have made updates to an incident. This feature will be added at a later date.
What happens when incident status changes from “Open” to “Closed”?
The current status of the incident will be displayed under “Incident Details” when viewing an incident.
When an incident has been closed, the CAD incident will display “Incident Closed” under the nature and address on the web dashboard, and within the incident list in the mobile apps.
Additionally, if users have configured their system to export incident data to ESO, this will be done at the close of an incident.
Who will receive notifications when an incident has been sent?
Users will only receive incident notifications when they have subscribed to the recipient group within their member profile that an incident is being sent to.
Can I create and send an incident to a specific individual, apparatus, or messaging group?
Incident may only be sent to dispatch groups that have been created within an IamResponding system. Currently, incidents may not be sent to specific individuals, apparatus, or messaging groups.
If you would like to add additional dispatch groups to your IaR system, please contact
Can I create and send an incident to my mutual aid agencies?
Field responders may only send incidents to dispatch groups that exist within their own IamResponding system. Creating and sending incidents to mutual aid IaR systems is not currently available.
When logged into the ECC dispatcher portal, users may create and send incidents to any field agency that has been linked to the ECC portal.
Can I delete an incident once it has been created?
Similar to CAD incidents, manually created incidents are not able to be deleted.
Can I create an incident when signed in as an apparatus?
Currently incidents cannot be created when signed in as an apparatus.
Is there an event number assigned to each incident?
Yes, each incident will have a unique event number assigned once created. The event number, or “ID”, can be located within the Incident Details section of an incident.
Will dispatch parsing rules apply to manual incidents?
No, any dispatch parsing rules applied for a dispatch group will not apply to manually created incidents.
Dispatch parsing, including address mapping rules, will not need to be applied for manual incidents as they are sent in a structured format, where each individual field has been identified.
Please contact our team with any further questions.
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