What is it:
Unlike other alert systems, users without a smartphone can use the system too. Just call a pre-assigned number to indicate response status.
The IamResponding program allows users to respond to the system at any time. A user’s response doesn't need to be linked/triggered by an incident activation. This can be helpful when users need to respond and let their fellow first responders or their linked IaR Dispatch System know that they are on-the-way or on-scene.
Where to find it:
Your agency’s assigned Toll-Free number is programmed into the IaR App and activated by pushing on the Call-In button, next to the Respond Now button.
Call-In button
Helpful links:
Related Video - Responding Methods
IamResponding users can Respond to the IaR System in three (3) different ways:
1) CALL-IN to your agency’s designated Toll-Free number
-Select from customizable preselected options, buttons #1-9.
-Or don’t select from the #1-9 buttons. Instead allow your Default Call-In Response to automatically register for you.
2) Respond via the IaR App
-You can use the Quick Response Options, the App will automatically register your Default App Response
-You can touch the Respond Now button in the App and select any of the options on the customizable list.
3) Respond via the IaR Website
-The Respond Now button along the top Right side of the IamResponding Website Dashboard allows you to
-respond multiple persons at the same time.
-respond for another person who can’t respond for themselves.
Not showing up as Responding, AFTER using the Call-In feature
-We recognize you by your Caller-ID. If you have your number blocked when making outbound calls, we won’t know it’s you calling-in.
-Make sure that the number you are calling from is properly listed on your profile under the Contact Information section.
Fun Tip:
-Program your agency’s preassigned Call-In number into your phone as a contact and/or your vehicles Contacts List.
If you can make a phone call or have access to utilize Siri or “Hey Google’ and make calls, you don’t need the IaR App to respond and let others know that you are on your way.
Do you have a fun tip, or a suggestion of something to add to this article?
Email us at: Support@EmergencySMC.com, Subject Line: Attention to Steve, ZD-Article