Hydrant and Map Markers
- Hydrant and Map Markers can be added 1-by-1 from the App, or from the Website.
- (Based on user Permissions)
Adding hydrants and markers 1-by-1
When adding an individual marker, the only required field/data is the location itself.
- All other fields are optional.
Some markers can be set to Expire at a designated Date/Time
This allows you to set up temporary markers and they will be removed from the IaR Maps automatically when the End Date/Time occurs.
Some markers can be NAMED
The Length of the NAME is restricted to 4-5 characters.
After the markers are added they can be edited
Markers can be moved to a different location (slightly or across town).
- You can change a non-hydrant marker, to a different non-hydrant marker.
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Email us at: Support@EmergencySMC.com, Subject Line: Attention to Steve, ZD-Article