Basic information
When describing/talking about MyLS:
-Use the phrase, “Community Risk Reduction”. This is a hot idea in our sector and is understood by and will motivate our users.
-MyLS is a good idea for vacation locations, where there aren’t permanent residents (Nantucket, Martha's Vineyard). Residential PrePlans can let first responders know the occupancy/vacancy of the structure and if they can expect persons inside, or the security code.
-”Prevention, opposed to Reaction”. “Wouldn’t you rather NOT go to a fire”.
Tips for Agency
-When an Agency plans to make a Press Release, we would like to ask them to utilize the Press/Media Information provided by IaR. We want to make sure that concept of MyLS and the Brand are explained properly.
- GUIDE: Community Guide for Residential Preplans
- GUIDE: Department Guide for Designing/Building MyLS App
YouTube Video: MyLocalSafety Video
Do you have a fun tip, or a suggestion of something to add to this article?
Email us at:, Subject Line: Attention to Steve, ZD-Article