PrePlan and Geofence markers are designed to let users link various resources, such as documents, images, maps, or blueprints, to specific points or areas on a map.
These resources can be anything that’s been digitized – from official documents to something as unconventional as a crayon drawing on a napkin that’s been scanned and saved as a PDF.
The goal is to provide agencies with the information they need in a format that works for them.
For example, if an agency has PrePlan paper books or binders, they can scan those pages and attach them to the relevant locations within their community map.
Document Limits:
Pre-Plans(for a specific point on the map) |
When all responders would be advancing on the incident location from the same general direction/side (like a house, or business). |
Uploading Pre-Plans
Step 1Add to the mapAfter navigating to Administrative Functions -> Hydrants & Map Markers -> Add/Edit/Delete Markers. Right click on the map where you want to place the Pre-Plans map marker. |
Step 2Pre-Plans Information
Note: You can also add a Pre-Plan marker on your map within the Add/Edit/Delete Markers section by right clicking on the map. |
Geofences(a region, larger area on the map) |
When all responders may be coming from DIFFERENT directions/sides of an incident (like an airport, state park, college/high-school campus, business park, industrial manufacturing facility). |
Uploading Geofences
Step 1GeofencesNavigate to Administrative Functions -> Hydrants & Map Markers -> Add/Edit/Delete Markers. |
Step 2Select GeofencesFrom the dropdown menu, select Geofences In this section, you can upload documents such as trail maps for parks, campground maps, or specific response guidelines for areas within your district. |