Connect your system with mutual aid agencies to view availability and response status, exchange pre-plan information, and communicate seamlessly.
Every department, agency, or entity that subscribes to IamResponding is assigned a unique subscriber ID number.
By sharing your unique subscriber ID number with mutual aid agencies, you enable data exchange between your systems, allowing both parties to share critical information.
Locate your agency's unique Subscriber ID number
From the Web PortalNavigate to the Administrative Function section of your dashboard. Select Settings > Dept. ID / Mutual Aid ID's The Subscriber ID number will be at the top of the page. |
From the IaR AppYou can also locate your subscriber ID directly from your IamResponding app. Pull out the left slide menu and select your agency at the top. |
Program your mutual aid agencies and select the shared data
Step 1Add your neighbor's (mutual aid agency) unique ID Number to your system. Navigate to the Administrative Function section of your dashboard. Select Settings > Dept. ID / Mutual Aid ID's For visual reference please reference the above steps. Enter the Subscriber ID you wish to share data with. Select Add when done |
Step 2Both agencies must add each other and individually select what information to share. This is very important that both agencies have completed Step 1. |
Step 3Select specific data to share As you and your mutual aid agencies populate this section by adding each other, two grids will appear on the screen. The upper grid displays the agencies for which you have entered the unique subscriber ID in the previous step. You can select the specific data you wish to share by checking the appropriate boxes. |
Step 4Shared Data The lower grid displays the agencies that have added your unique ID number to their system. The green checkmarks are not clickable. They simply show what your mutual aid partner has chosen to share with you. If no checkmarks are visible, it means your partner has not selected any options in their upper grid. In some fields, you can choose whether to view their data using a Yes/No dropdown menu. |
Step 5Save Changes Whenever you make any changes—such as adding a mutual aid agency's unique ID number, checking/unchecking data boxes, or adjusting the Yes/No dropdown—be sure to click the "Save Changes" button at the bottom of the screen. |