App Settings Overview
- User Profile
- Display Settings
- Notification Settings (Silent & Vibrate Mode)
- Mapping Settings
- CAD Incident Settings
- Digital Alert Settings
- Audio Incident Settings (TwoToneDetect)
- Messaging Settings
- Regional Notice Settings
- Do Not Disturb Settings
- Secret List
- Default Page When Opening the App
User ProfileYou are able to edit your IamResponding Member Profile within the IamResponding App on your device provided your profile has the appropriate permissions.
Display SettingsTheme: Choose between device theme (Will mimic your device theme) or light mode & dark mode which will override your device theme. |
Display SettingsDashboard Setting: Auto-refresh dashboard every 30 seconds to see responders as they call in to indicate they are Responding.
Notification Settings (Override Silent/Vibrate Mode)Sound on Silent/Vibrate Mode: Allows for audible notifications to override devices settings when a device is on silent Note: Due to operating system differences, iOS and Android manage these setting differently, this can be done directly within the IamResponding app on Android, whereas on iOS, Critical Alerts must be enabled in the device settings. |
Mapping Settings
CAD Incident SettingsCAD Incident Settings are text based message from Dispatch Computer Aided Dispatch System, Dispatch Tool or through a Create Incident Tool, for agencies without a Dispatch.
Digital Alert SettingsIn an emergency, critical incident data is automatically pushed to ECCs and field responders through Digital Alerts, without requiring any additional steps from dispatchers. This process allows key information, such as location and incident details, to reach responders in real-time via platforms like the RapidSOS Portal and IamResponding app.
Digital Alerts should be treated as a Pre-Alert for as they are not a Official Dispatch
Your agency may or may not receive digital alerts, depending on the availability of a digital alert provider in your area. For example, train alerts will only be available if your agency is within a certain distance of a Norfolk Southern Tier One rail line. |
Audio Incident SettingsOnly applicable if your agency has two-tone-detect configured with required department equipment in place. These are audio alerts/recordings generated from an interface that listens for your agencies dispatch tones and audio.
Messaging SettingsThese are Internal messages sent by leadership, event & shift reminders and apparatus status notifications. Override Do Not Disturb settings apply to internal messaging as well.
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Regional Notices SettingsDispatch, Counties, Metro or Regional Agencies are able to issue County or Agency Wide notifications when they update the Regional Notices Page on their Dispatch Screen for things such as hospital diversions, road closures, flooding, etc.,
Do Not Disturb Settings
Other Settings