Download the latest image ZIP file:
Run the Raspberry Pi Imager application. Select the type of Raspberry Pi that you’ll be using:
Under “Operating System”, scroll down to select “Use Custom”:
Select the ZIP file that was previously downloaded as the Operating System and then select the SD card to be imaged under “Storage”:
Select “Edit Settings” when asked about OS Customization
Important: Set the Username to “iar”. Set other fields as desired.
After saving the settings, click “YES” to begin writing to the SD card.
After imaging is complete, put the SD card into the Raspberry Pi and apply power. The first boot attempt may fail. If the light on Raspi turns and stays red for 20+ seconds, cycle power. The second boot will take some time to fully come online.
Once the Raspberry Pi deskto appears, click on the TTD icon in the upper right corner to open the TwoToneDetect GUI. From here you can adjust audio levels and enter your IamResponding API key. After configuration is complete, close the web browser to minimize resource usage.